The truth is, music still serves its purpose. A single pulse, an interweaving melody, a rhythm, a collective reasoning, giving us all, nurishment for our intellect. I can't tell you why it exist, but we all seem to have our need, desire and understanding for the beauty of song and melody and what they give us and how they move us. A most beautiful quest was experienced on August 28. 2012 at Eddie's Attic when we ran into the pleasurable delight of Faye Webster, Von Grey and the mighty JoyScout. Words alone, cannot justify the morsels of delight and fancy found in the music by these artists on this special night.
The breath that angels breathe is found here this night, in the music of Faye Webster. Music that floats along like a butterfly, that controls the wind, is found with this young unassuming artist. Her lyrics are intelligible and go along with subtle, yet stretching music, comprehensively providing a diversity, that would present a challenge for a seasoned artsit to mold. Her voice is strong, yet vulnerable following arrangements, that are creative, yet provocative. Faye on this night added a steel guitar along with an upright bass to her guitar and vocal arrangements. A new content was found in what one can hear in her music. It involves many variables that find a cohesiveness naturally, allowing her music to be very easy to listen too. She has found and developed her own presence and identity very early on and has the seeds of legend. For now, she is Faye Webster, and her music is the breath that angels breathe.
Youth and it's strength continue to go on further in this evening with the amazing Von Grey. They are sisters and a family on one accord. It's obvious that the talent runs deep inside this family. This quartet runs with keys, cello, and two guitars that can turn into a violin extending, by far, the boundries in which their music goes and grows. Their natural familial harmonies brings a pleasantry to their song, that is rare to find in music today. All the sisters serve and provide their own unique purpose and function to the song they provide. They come with a comfort and natural sensibility, in their music, that cant be ignored and engrosses any listener to enjoy the delight of their talent.
After being filled with such youthful, yet abounding talent we meet the juggernaut JoyScout. We've followed JoyScout for some time now and it has been amazing to see how this talent, which started strong, has become even more founded, confident and captivating than ever. Although, their songs run deep, their is an eery resolve found in the what they sing. Their music comes with a seasoned foundation, that continues to add new found elements as they grow. Vocal harmonies, that sing eloquently through any of their dynamic arrangements, give their music a sing-song quality, that is unforgettable. One can find themselves, walking away singing their music, for the deep seed that was planted in a mind. You feel the depth of the lyrics as they are sung, yet a pleasant resolve, if not happiness, is found in singing them. This community continues to grow, adding electric guitar, bass, a hand drum and banjo. All the parts compilment and feed the music what it needs, with logical intuitiveness, that can only be found with seasoned artists as these. JoyScout's music drives you, lifts you, and thrills you, in a warmth, that is akin to warm blanket being placed on you, with a sweet kiss goodnight.
August 28, 2012 was a night, that will not ever be soon forgotten. A warmth, a care, a lovingness, a mutual respect by players and listeners for the music given and the music received, was found in Eddie's Attic that night. New faces met old faces, leaving as friends with well wishing, walking along side. Their was an ease and a comfort that was found in this evening, that brought feelings, like that of family dinner during the holidays. This wonder of a night, was founded in the basis of the music that was delivered. The emmense talent found took us on journies, with every artsit that hit the stage. The entire room seemed to be on one accord with listening, learning, and loving muisc, for simply what it is. A sad, happiness comes at the end, when we all have to say goodbye. The show ends with hugs, kisses, and smiles being passed around, leaving one thought, music has it's place and it matters.